5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Managing Endo Symptoms: A Must Add to Your Routine
Mar 08, 2024
5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Managing Endo Symptoms: A Must Add to Your Routine
I know you are probably so sick of hearing don’t eat this, don’t eat that. "Stop eating dairy." "Don’t drink alcohol." "Gluten is terrible." "Red meat is offf limits." I will never tell you you CAN’T have something. I've been down that road of being too restrictive, and it only led to unhealthy obsessions, negative dieting habits and ultimately falling back into old patterns. Over the years I’ve learned to take a much different approach. And it's one that is so much easier to stick to. Im challenging you: Instead of just taking on healthier foods, take a healthier approach by embracing your unique journey and ditching drastic changes!
This Blog Post Clearly isn't about Restrictions.
It's about actively adding foods that support your body and healing goals!! Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease. Chronic inflammation is the key feature that contributes to pain, bloating, constipation, fatigue and more - basically all the things that make our life miserable. But we can do something about it.
One of the most powerful ways to combat inflammation is through our FOOD.
How I Discovered the Healing Power of Food
Before receiving my endometriosis diagnosis, I struggled with severe digestive issues—a persistent burning sensation along my esophagus, bloating, and frequent nausea—without understanding the root cause. At the time I tried so many different things to help: seeking medical advice, medications, changing my diet, acupuncture, etc but nothing seemed to completely dissolve the pain. What helped alleviate my pain when nothing else was working was a holistic integrative approach that included these 4 things:
- Stress Management
- Mind-Body Practices
- Gentle movement
- Nutrition
This is important to note because doing one of these things alone, did not give the same results as the combination. Over that month I introduced majority anti-inflammatory foods and I noticed a dramatic difference. I already knew the power of food and how it can make you feel but it was this point that I learned the power of food and how it can help you heal. Since then I have constantly strived to add in more nourishing foods that support healing in my body. And thats what I want to share with you today.
Not only the What, but the WHY.
I'm excited to not only share what to eat, but also why it's beneficial. When we learn why something is good for us, we can make empowered choices. Every time we consume these foods we will deepen the healing connection between our mind and body.
So, let's talk about five incredible anti-inflammatory foods that you can easily incorporate into your weekly routine, why they are important and how to make it happen!
5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods Worth Adding to Your Meals
1. Berries
Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries. Take your pick! They are all packed with antioxidants and flavonoids which help combat inflammation. Berries are packed with vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C that can boost your immune system, and Vitamin K and manganese that both help regulate hormonal balance. Did you know they also contain fiber? So, yep it can also help with constipation! Berries also have a low glycemic index which means it can help keep your blood sugar stable, in other words they are not going to cause dramatic shifts in mood or energy levels! Do you need any more reasons?!
Next time you go to the store grab at least 1-2 packages of these for the week. I like to opt for whatever is on sale.
If possible, its best to get organic strawberries and blueberries - they are a part of the dirty dozen - which means they that tend to have the highest levels of pesticide residues when grown conventionally.
I know berries can be pricey, you are WORTH it. Your body deserves to feel good be nourished with healing foods.
Another great option is to get frozen berries. I always keep these I my freezer, they are easy to grab and use for a smoothie!
- BREAKFAST: Add as a topping in your morning oatmeal or yogurt
- SNACK: Have it as a snack and pair it with a handful of nuts of your choice.
- LUNCH: Choose berries as a side dish instead of chips, fries, etc..
- LUNCH: Add berries to your salad! They add a touch of sweetness and are extra juicy
- DESSERT: Pair with coconut cream, dip and enjoy!
2. Fatty Fish
Salmon, mackerel, and sardines. I like to have this 2-3x/week. These fatty fish are high in omega-3s which have potent anti-inflammatory properties. The great thing about omega 3s is they are powerful hormone regulators, and in turn can reduce menstrual cramping & pms symptoms. If you are trying to conceive, Omega-3's can improve egg quality and maturation. Give it to your male partner as well because it helps improve the swimmers quality, motility, size and shape! The added bonus is that fatty fish are excellent for heart and brain health as well. Now you know WHY to add some fatty fish to your diet!
- When choosing fish its best opt for wild vs. farm-raised. Wild caught fish has higher levels of Omega 3s and also a richer firmer texture.
- Im not even gonna lie here, I like the taste of farm-raised salmon more. You may know this as Atlantic Salmon. It has lower levels of omega-3s but still provides a good source of these essential fatty acids.
Keep some canned fish in your pantry, it's so easy to add to meals. I always keep the canned Mackerel from Wild planet in my pantry. Its just Mackerel in EVOO and I think it's so good.
- BREAKFAST: Smoked Salmon with Avocado Sourdough Toast
- SNACK: Canned Mackerel with cucumber slices or carrot sticks
- LUNCH: Add any fatty fish as your protein for a salad.
- DINNER: Seared salmon with roasted veggies and sweet potatoes.
3. Green Tea
I'm a Tea Queen!! I love green tea not only for the taste but for the health benefits. Green tea contains something called catechins .These are polyphenols that are loaded with antioxidants and anit-inflammatory properties. Studies have also shown Green tea can help regulate hormones, reduce pain, improve cardio vascular health and reduce risk of cancer.
- Make it part of your Morning routine: Wake up, have glass of lemon water, drink a cup of green tea -> while you visualize or journal how you want your day to go.
- If the taste is too bitter for you add a teaspoon of local honey and/or lemon slice
- If you have any leftover tea, pour it in a mason jar and put in the fridge so you can enjoy it iced later! My favorite to do this with is Jasmine Tea. SO good :)
- SWAP: Try to replace your morning coffee with green tea. If this it too hard of an ask, Start with replacing it just 2 or 3 days/week.
- BREAKFAST: Add a scoop of Matcha to your morning green smoothie (Matcha, nut milk, pineapple, spinach, and apple)
- MID-AFTERNOON: Have a cup of green tea in the afternoon like they do in Europe!
4. Turmeric
I had to add this in the mix!!! Turmeric is know for its powerful anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with pain relief. It contains Curcumin, which is the anti-inflammation boss! Curcumin may also help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce estrogen levels. Turmeric contains potent antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage which can support fertility. In addition, turmeric has been shown to modulate immune response which can help immune dysfunction caused by Endo.
- Always pair Turmeric with black pepper. Turmeric has a low bioavailability, meaning it can be difficult for the body to absorb, but when paired with pepper it becomes more efficient
- Get the Turmeric seasoning at trader joes for $1.99 and add it to your food - great on chicken, cauliflower so good, stir fry, just sneak it in when you can!
- BREAKFAST: Juice it! 1-2 inches of turmeric root, 1 orange, 2 carrots Yum!
- BREAKFAST: Sprinkle it in your scrambled eggs or omelet
- SIDE DISH: Great on Roasted vegetables - Toss vegetables with turmeric, pink salt, pepper, olive oil and roast in oven on 400 degrees x 20 min.
- DINNER: Turmeric is the key ingredient in curry. Have Curry 1x/week. This meal is also excellent as leftovers!
5. Leafy Greens
I'm talking spinach, kale, arugula, romaine, spring mixes, collards, Swiss chard, all of that! These nutrient dense powerhouses contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients - Such as magnesium, vitamin A, C K calcium, folate and iron, which support immune function, bone health, energy production, and hormonal balance. The phytonutrients help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Unfortunately, digestive issues can be one of the key symptoms of Endo. Leafy greens are high in fiber which helps with digestion, regulates bowel movement, and can help with GI discomfort. Imbalance in estrogen is another key feature of Endo. Kale and arugula contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which is a compound that may help support hormonal balance by promoting estrogen metabolism and detoxification. Not too bad right?
- Iceberg lettuce is not as nutrient dense as the options I listed above
Try them all, diversity is key!! Having a variety of leafy greens supports a healthy gut microbiome. And it keeps things exciting :)
- Try to have leafy greens in at least 1 meal daily.
- BREAKFAST: Egg scramble - eggs, spinach, mushroom, turkey bacon
- SNACK: Green Smoothie: Kale, Apple, Celery, Cucumber, Ginger,
- LUNCH: Choose 2 leafy greens for your salad base Ex - romaine + spring mix, add a protein, veggie and a healthy dressing (olive oil or avocado oil based)
- DINNER: Sauteed spinach and kale as a side dish
- DINNER: Asian Lettuce Wraps - using Butter lettuce, fill with ground turkey, mushrooms, liquid aminos, onion, garlic and water chestnuts
Knowledge without Action is Powerless
Now it's time to take this knowledge and turn it into action!
Your Action Steps:
Choose at least 3 of these powerful foods and add them to your grocery list. Decide how you will add them into your week and then reap the benefits!
It's that simple. Eventually if you continue to add in nourishing things, your body will start to crave it! The inflammation in your body will diminish. You will feel more energized and you just may not have so much space for all the crap that does not support your health and healing.
You got this!
I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and you should be proud of you too for taking steps to better your health! If you found this blog post helpful, please share ♡. As always if you have any comments, concerns or just need a little motivation or support, hit me up!
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