Create Your Endo Action Plan: How Bad Do You Want to Feel Good?
Mar 25, 2024
I’m going to be honest, when I was first diagnosed with endometriosis, I didn't take it very well. Yes, it helped explain why my husband and I hadn't been able to conceive over the past two years, but it also brought on a wave of fear. I didn't know much about the disease outside of "bad period pain" or what it meant for my chances of having a baby.
So, probably like many of you, I turned to the internet to find information. I eventually made my way to social media and as I scrolled through posts and accounts, I found myself feeling triggered af! The narrative on majority of these pages highlighted the struggles of living with endometriosis - the pain, endo belly, the extreme fatigue, the gaslighting and feeling dismissed by the medical community. Basically, all of the negative stuff. There weren't many posts on how to make things better!
I had to unfollow pages that I initially followed because of this. At the time, it felt toxic to me. This doesn't mean these pages are actually toxic. I was in a place where acceptance was difficult, and hearing about the experiences I was going through just made me feel worse! There is nothing wrong with unfollowing, muting or whatever you need to do to protect your peace!
I'm sure finding validation and understanding from others may feel comforting, but for me, it did the exact opposite. I didn't need the reassurance of my symptoms being valid or feeling like I'm not alone. What I wanted was a resolution, a pathway to improvement. I've always been the type to confront challenges head-on. To this day, the most effective way for me to cope with a situation is by taking action. That's precisely why I'm here today -- to help you create your personalized Endo Action Plan.
Holistic Alternatives for Pain
Practicing holistic health over the years, I had become accustomed to viewing my symptoms as messages from my body. This was before I even knew I had endo. I would ask myself, "What is my body trying to tell me?" and explore deeper to try to figure out the root cause.
Masking symptoms, particularly pain, has never been my approach. Doing so would only impede my ability to figure out what my body is truly trying to communicate.
This might sound extreme, but hear me out. If I were to consistently resort to pain medications to alleviate menstrual pain, I doubt I would prioritize taking the necessary time to REST—something crucial for my body at that moment. Nor would I make changes to my diet and lifestyle over the next month to address the underlying cause of the pain and improve my symptoms (yes, that's possible!).
This isn't to say I didn't address pain altogether. Instead, I opted for alternative methods like using a heat pack, practicing meditation, indulging in oil-infused baths, self-massage, or engaging in gentle stretches.
Obviously if the pain became excruciating, I would occasional resort to taking an Advil but I tried my best to avoid that and other prescription pain meds that were offered to me. The reason is that NSAIDs can damage your gut lining, which is especially concerning with endometriosis, where a healthy gut is key!
Stronger prescription pain medications also pose risks—outside of the 374 side effects listed on the bottle, dependency is a concern, they also strain the liver (a powerful detoxification organ!). Pain meds fail to address the underlying cause. I always opted for holistic changes first and viewed medications as my last option.
You are not your Endo.
All of that sounds great, but when I was labeled with the diagnosis of having "endometriosis," I noticed a shift in my internal energy. Suddenly, things that I wouldn't have complained about before became framed in the context of having endometriosis. Here is what I mean:
Previously, I'd think, 'I'm feeling bloated this month; what could have caused it? How are my stress levels? What changes can I make to my diet?' and I would adjust accordingly. This significantly improved my period pain, digestive discomfort and lifestyle overall. This was before I even knew I had endometriosis.
However, after the diagnosis, my mindset shifted to "This bloating is terrible, and I know it's because of endometriosis." and just like that, the conversation in my head would stop. There were no more solutions, no self reflection, no action, just the acknowledgment of having endometriosis. I can't be the only one who has done this?!
The crazy thing is, I was aware of what I was doing, yet I still fell into that pattern. It seemed easier - just blame the endometriosis, at least initially. But soon enough, I realized that this mindset was only adding to my misery. Blaming everything on endometriosis (regardless if it was part of the problem), without taking any accountability or action, was making me more stressed, frustrated, anxious, and my body would respond accordingly. I knew I had to actively shift back to my mindset before the diagnosis, as hard as it would be. I refused to let this diagnosis define who I am and the life I live. I knew deep down, I am NOT my Endo.
I'm on a Mission
Our healthcare system sucks!! I am equally as frustrated about it as you. Endometriosis often goes undiagnosed for yearsss due to a lack of awareness among healthcare providers and the community at large, leading to significant delays in diagnosis. Even after we are diagnosed, access to the specialized care that we need can be expensive and difficult to receive. This is affecting all aspects of our life!
There are many amazing people that are working on reform and research to improve the system, aiming for earlier diagnosis and more accessible treatment options. I am so grateful and appreciative for their efforts and advocacy for change.
I fully support that mission but that's not MY mission. My mission is to help YOU, the Endo Warrior who faces struggles daily and wants to create a long-term sustainable shift. I'm here for you, the Endo Warrior who is tired of relying on short-term fixes like medications, heat pads, or birth control, which won't improve overall long-term quality of life.
So my question for you is:
Strap in for the Journey
I'd love to paint a picture of an easy journey, but that hasn't been my reality, and probably not yours either. However, over the years, I've remained determined to cultivate change within my mind, body and spirit-- to bring the JOY back to my life. Every effort has been worth it. You have the power to do the same for yourself!
Embracing a holistic lifestyle requires self-awareness, accountability, openness to exploring new things, patience, and consistency with what works for YOU.
- Are you willing to sacrifice immediate pleasure for better outcomes in the future?
- Are you ready to get in tune with your body and yourself?
- Are you ready to embrace the journey?
If this is you, and you are ready to prioritize your health and healing, ready to reclaim your life and advocate for yourself, I want you to do these 5 steps today to create your unique Endo Action Plan.
5 Steps to Create Your Endo Action Plan
Grab a journal and a pen, or just type this out in your notes in your phone.
Step 1: Set Your Intention
Your intention is a mindset. It's not about doing. Intention is a way of BEING. It's how you want to show up in the world on a day to day basis. That's exactly why it's so powerful as a daily affirmation.
To set your intention, answer these three questions in your journal.
1. What vision do you have for your life? Reflect on your surroundings, your relationships, how you manage your endometriosis, and your emotional state. Do NOT limit yourself! Set a timer for 5 min and write it all out.
2. How will you feel when you reach this vision? Name the emotions you will experience, such as freedom, joy, connection, harmony etc.
3. Lastly, look into your inner self. What is your true intention? Begin the affirmation with "I am." You can use examples below to help guide you.
Once you have crafted an intention that resonates with you, I encourage you to write it on a sticky note and place it on your mirror. Take a photo of the words and set it as your phone background. The goal is to keep your intention visible and speak it OUT LOUD every day! So you can embody it fully.
Step 2: Get Clear on Your WHY.
I encourage you to really dig deep on this one. Grab your journal and ask yourself why do you want to make this change now? After you answer, ask yourself why to that response. And then dig deeper one last time and ask yourself WHY? again. THAT is your WHY POWER!
It may seem simplistic but it works. On the days I really don't feel like being disciplined, I tap into my WHY POWER and it propels me forward. The shallow reasons like wanting to fit into my clothes better or trying to avoid judgement from others, don't sustain me. Instead, it's the deeper desires, like building a family with my husband and becoming a mom, or being fully present with my family & friends, that truly motivate me.
Once you develop your WHY power, use it for the simple things!! When you don't feel like going for your 30 min walk outside, tell yourself "I'm doing this so I can be fully present with my family and friends and not have to miss out on things when I don't feel good." Be extreme about it! I promise it works.
Step 3: Choose your starting place.
Taking a holistic approach to your health means looking at the WHOLE YOU. Not just focusing on one area. It involves examining different facets of your life, identifying the root cause of issues, and addressing them to improve balance and harmony in your life.
The same goes for improving your life with endometriosis, no one thing will make it better, instead it will be a combination of things unique to you. Since everyone's journey is different, it's essential to explore and find what works best for YOU! We have to do this step by step! Attempting to change too much at once can be overwhelming, can make it really hard to determine what is actually helping, and can also make it hard to stick with. So let's start here.
Out of these areas, where would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10? 1 represents dissatisfaction, while 10 indicates complete fulfillment. Choose 1 or 2 areas that need a little more LOVE in your life right now. Remember, we can't address everything at once, so give yourself time and grace.
Step 4: Develop your Action Steps
After selecting your area, prioritize three action steps tailored to improving that aspect of your life. You might focus entirely on one area or distribute your efforts across multiple categories. Refer to the chart below for inspo! Write your action steps down in your journal.
Step 5: Commit
Now all you have to do is commit! Commit to doing these action steps over your next menstrual cycle length. The menstrual cycle length refers to the number of days between the first day of one menstrual period and the first day of the next menstrual period, whether it is 21 days or 28 days. For some with endo it can be irregular. In that case, I would start with committing to 3 weeks. The reason I suggest using your cycle is that it serves as your fifth vital sign. Your period can tell you a lot about whether something is working or not - for example, are your cramps better, is there less spotting, is your flow not as heavy, is your PMS less severe. That's how you'll know you're on the right track.
Final check-in: Is this commitment to completing these 2-3 action steps over the next month attainable for you? Do you have 100% confidence you can do it?
If the answer is no, simplify your action steps. Once you find a reasonable action step that aligns with your journey, Repeat Below:
✔ I commit to fully embracing and embodying my intention.
✔ I commit to taking consistent action towards my vision, no matter how small.
✔ I commit to honoring my uniqueness in this journey.
One Step Closer to Living the Life You deserve
Congrats. You have started YOUR journey of taking back control of YOUR health and YOUR life that YOU deserve to ENJOY! ♡
At the end of each week, take time to journal and reflect on what went well and what didn't. What can you do better next week and how?
At the end of each cycle, revisit your intention and your why power. What habits would you like to stick with and what does not really help or serve you. (Be sure you give yourself enough time to see the change, at least 3 weeks). Choose a category to focus on next (yes, it can be the same one) and develop 2-3 more action steps for the next cycle. Keep this routine going! You'll be taking step-by-step action toward feeling better and becoming more attuned to yourself and your body. Go, YOU!
Before you know it, you'll start feeling a little better each day. At worst, you'll discover what doesn't work for you. That way, when someone suggests trying XYZ to alleviate pain, you'll know whether it works for you or not without question.This is how you become empowered! Everyone is unique, you especially. It's up to you to tap in and EMPOWER YOUR WELLNESS… You've got this!
If you're seeking a holistic health coach to guide you, hold you accountable, and offer personalized suggestions along this journey, sign up for more information here. Openings available soon!
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